I am writing because of our shared interest in health care access and provision in Africa. I would like to inform you of a historic upcoming summit on heath. It is the first ever African Presidents' Summit on Health being convened by US Doctors for Africa (USDFA), under the auspices of CEO and founder Ted Alemayhu. Please visit the website at http://www.presidentssummit.org/ to learn about the summit. You can also visit http://www.usdfa.org/ to learn more about Ted and the successful medical projects and summit held in the past.
The Summit is being held April 11th and 12th, 2011 in Los Angeles, California USA.This invitation-only summit will feature six expert panels on the following themes:
• Healthcare financing
• Health policy
• Pharmaceuticals
• Women’s and children’s health
• Media and health education
• Health technology, infrastructure and capacity building
Unique to the summit will be booths reserved for small & medium-sized entrepreneurs to feature innovative projects that promote access to affordable quality healthcare in Africa.
The summit will also include a Presidential Dinner on the 11th and an Awards Gala on the 12th honoring top philanthropists and humanitarian leaders who have made substantial contributions toward Africa's healthcare.
The speakers for each panel are being finalized.
Please let us know if you will be able to attend and have a desire to participate on one or more of the themes.
You may contact Ted Alemayhu, CEO at tedmesfin@gmail.com and/or Moka Lanutum, MD, PhD., Program Director of the Summit at talk2moka@gmail.com or via phone 585 820 6403 (USA) for more information.
Many thanks,